Today's Political Post

To the extent Politics is a Spectator Sport, I currently enjoy watching Pete Buttigieg…who seems to be everywhere. He's smart, he's informed, he's real good at seeming reasonable and debunking false info. One suspects he won't be the running mate of Kamala Harris because a non-white woman and a gay man would cause a lot of MAGAheads who were losing enthusiasm for Trump to race back to his corner. We'd also be in for an awful lot of "butt" jokes.

Still, the guy is tireless and well-spoken and…well, look at him on recently with Jon Stewart. Look at him with Bill Maher. Look at him on Fox News. I haven't seen a lot of political figures of either party who talk this well.

I continue to believe that we're still in for a lot of game-changing moments in this election. There's something very calming to me about Mayor Pete. He reminds me that there are grown-ups in politics.