Thursday Morning

There have been more reports of folks who attended Comic-Con getting COVID but I've been testing every day and this morning was my fourth negative test. I'll give it two more before I declare myself unscathed by the experience. If I did escape it, it may be because of one or all of the following reasons…

  1. I wore a good N95 mask when feeling crowded (this kind)
  2. I had a booster shot of Moderna on 7/8/24, two weeks before the convention
  3. I didn't venture into the main exhibit hall
  4. Dumb luck?

It may be indicative of something that the price of those masks has come way, way down since the height of The Pandemic.  Every doctor I've visited while wearing one in the past few years has complimented me on my selection.

Meanwhile, we have reports of another kind of disease at Comic-Con…

Fourteen people were arrested and 10 victims of sex trafficking were rescued — including a 16-year-old girl — in a sting operation at the Comic-Con International convention in San Diego, California, last week, officials said Thursday.

If you read the reports, it's clear that Comic-Con itself was in no way involved or responsible. It's just the kind of operation that thrives on events that attract people in certain age groups. It was probably way more prevalent in San Diego back when it was more of a "Navy town" than it is these days. We don't have (or need) many more details than that.

A friend at the con also told me that there was a legal brothel just over the border in Tijuana that was advertising special discounts if you showed them your Comic-Con badge. Mine said "Invited Guest" on it so I wonder what I could have gotten down there — apart from something much worse than COVID.