Comic-Con Thursday

My left foot is bothering me so I skipped Preview Night at the con and today was transported about by wheelchair. In the process, we ran over six Klingons, four storm troopers and a couple of Harley Quinns, some of whom might even been women for all I know. I hosted four panels, all of which went well since they featured very smart, easy-to-interview people.

The con was its usual crowded self and I think we oughta stop acting surprised about that. The photo below was taken this morning but it could have been taken at any Comic-Con International of the past dozen years…or the next dozen for that matter.

Photo by Bruce Guthrie

I enjoy being here because I enjoy seeing so many people having such a good time. It's like Disneyland but without people dressed as cartoon characters, bad, overpriced food items, beastly expensive things to buy…hmm, I'm having trouble coming up with something. Maybe rides that will make you upchuck.

I have a meeting and a need to elevate my foot for a while before that meeting so I'm going to go. More from the con soon.