Today's Political Post

Kevin Drum — a blogger I've lunched with and trust a lot, especially on statistics — says that inflation hit zero in June. It seems to be part of the pro-Trump messaging that it's wildly outta control and killing us but…well, look at Kevin's chart and tell me why he's wrong. Because I don't think he is.

Kevin also notes that Trump is now lying about the price of bacon

Why would anyone make up lies as frivolous as this? Because Trump lives in a fantasy world where everything has to be the worst ever in history unless he was personally involved with it. His brain is so badly beyond repair that I suspect he literally can't help himself, and he's surrounded by sycophants who will never confront him with the truth. This is not a man fit to be president of the United States.

So at the moment, we have a choice of two guys. One gets some things (mostly trivial) wrong because he's old. One gets everything wrong because he lies. I don't think either one oughta be President of the United States next year but one of them has a support team to correct him.