Inn Trouble

I have a flurry of e-mails asking me about this article which basically says that Comic-Con International is threatening to move out of San Diego if certain local hotels near the S.D. Convention Center don't cease rate-gouging. I have no inside info on the negotiations or discussions but I'll stick with my long-time prediction that Comic-Con will not in our lifetimes — well, mine at least — move out of San Diego County.

I base that on my belief that the hoteliers, merchants and officials in S.D. could not possibly be brain-dead foolish enough to let it go. Comic-Con is what put the city on the map as a convention destination and it brings in way more cash than any other event that could possibly occupy the convention center on those dates. They'll make the necessary financial accommodations to keep their accommodations accommodating Comic-Congoers for a week every July.