By George

A lot of Liberal-type folks are angry at The New York Times for urging Joe Biden to step down for the good of the country. A lot of them are saying "That paper never urged Donald Trump to step aside for the good of the country," as if Donald Trump would ever forego fame, power, money and not going to prison for the good of anyone or anything. Now, some are mad because of a guest opinion piece by George Clooney called "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee." He makes a damned good case.

I've been saying on this blog and to friends for some time that it wouldn't surprise me if the November election wasn't between Biden and Trump. That's looking a little more likely now than it once did. It also wouldn't surprise me if Biden has decided to withdraw but has reasons for doing it when he does it. I'm not predicting that will happen; just saying it wouldn't surprise me.