A Sign Post

Back in this post a few years ago, I mentioned there was a business in Hollywood with a sign out front that said "Bordello." I wrote then, "I don't know what kind of business it was but because of that sign, the least-likely possibility was that it was a bordello."

I don't recall who and I can't find the e-mail now but someone wrote that I must have been fibbing and/or hallucinating because no one would be allowed to operate a business with that on its shingle. If you're the person who sent that message, take a gander at this which I recently found online…

And actually, it was more scandalous than I recalled or noticed because as you can see, another sign there said, "House of Pleasure." Isn't that just begging for a visit from the vice department of your local police department or someone?  They must have investigated and found it was just an extreme example of false advertising…so I'm not only curious as to what actually went on in there but why it was allowed to do whatever that was.

As I recall, it was there for a few years and they didn't close it down.  I think though the cops or someone did close down the Carl's Jr. in the background…and rightly so because those places are dangerous.  And you often don't know what you're getting in one of them, either.