Monday Morning

Just got an e-mail from someone eager to hear my "take" on this morning's Supreme Court decision which Trump backers are hailing as some sort of "Get Out of Jail Free" card for their boy. My "take" is that I'd like to hear more analysis from legal scholars who've had more than twenty minutes to read the decision and it would be nice if they'd kind of "peer review" each other before going on CNN.

For future reference: My "take" will always be not to panic over political matters, especially this year. I think even Joe Biden in a coma would be a better president than Donald Trump and I think there's plenty of time for the roller coaster that is Politics to go up and down and up and down and up and down (etc.) a few steep hills. We are in very-much-uncharted territory with this election. Very few precedents apply. A great many scenarios are possible. It all changed a lot the day Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. It all changed a lot the night Joe Biden seemed lost at the first debate. There will be more moments when it all changes a lot.

And if/when you read political views on this site, always remember what I do for a living. I do not practice law. I do not mingle with Heads of state or important legislators or functionaries in the political world. The next items on my "to do" list are to compose a letters page for the Groo the Wanderer comic book and then to decide what script the actors are going to read on the Cartoon Voices panels at this year's Comic-Con International.