Today's Political Comment

There are an awful lot of online discussions 'n' debates as to whether Joe Biden should step aside and let someone else be the Democratic nominee. I also see a wide range of articles and arguments as to how possible — legally or practically — it would be to make that switch. Not that I have any say in the matter but I'm on the fence because I lack a couple of pieces of vital information. One big one would be how often he's like the guy we saw on the debate stage in Georgia on Thursday night and how often he's like the guy we saw in North Carolina on Friday.

I think it would also be worth seeing some poll numbers over the next week or two before deciding. We may think Biden's numbers will take a big plunge because of his debate performance but we also thought Trump's would if he was convicted of 34 felonies or if it came out that he'd cheated on his wife with a porn star. If nothing else, we should be learning that these days, the poll numbers do not always do what a person might expect.

For those of us who think it is vital that Donald Trump never again resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I think it comes down to this: If we're prepared to trust Joe Biden with being President for the next four years, we oughta trust him to do the right thing as to staying in the race or stepping aside. One of the reasons I've supported him is because I think he's the kind of man who would put The Country ahead of his personal concerns. Unlike his opponent.