Friday Afternoon

An awful lot of folks sent me messages telling me with great certainty when Comic-Con moved into its present location, the San Diego Convention Center. Unfortunately, a lot of these folks who were absolutely certain were certain about different years. Most insisted that I trust their memories but one, Gary Sassaman, sent actual proof. I knew someone would and I was pretty sure it would be Gary, who was at various times the guy in charge of programming and/or publications and/or the website for the con. He's retired now from all that but still aids the cause of Comic Book History with his website, Innocent Bystander, which I recommend to anyone who shares our interest in that subject.

Based on Gary's actual proof, I have revised my chronology of the events we now call Comic-Con International. The first year the con was in its present location was 1992 and I have also changed the name of its previous venue from "(Old) San Diego Convention Center" to "Convention and Performing Arts Center," which is probably a more accurate — and certainly less confusing — name for that hallowed hall. I corrected a few other minor things while I was at it.

Also as you may have noted, I have changed the heading on this website. For a few months now, it's been a Sergio drawing of me with my injured ankle elevated as beautiful nurses attended to my every need. I've decided I've healed enough to stop displaying that header. I hope I will never have need of it again. And to be honest, I never had nurses like those.