Rudy Kablooey

There is zero chance of me buying a bag of Rudy Giuliani's new coffee. I don't like Rudy Giuliani and I don't like coffee…and even if I did like one or both, I would see no reason to presume that Rudy knows anything — I mean anything! — about coffee. Maybe if he were endorsing a line of guaranteed-to-fail legal maneuvers and I needed some guaranteed-to-fail legal maneuvers…

I know, I know: You don't care about this man and in some ways, neither do I. I just have this strange fascination with people who seem determined to destroy their lives and careers by doing wrong thing after wrong thing.

It's like when you read that some entertainer who once had $30 million bucks is now broke and declaring bankruptcy. If you ran through $30 million smackers, it means that one day, you were suddenly worth $29 million and a little later, you were worth $28 million and still later, you were worth $27 million and so on. Around about the time you hit the $15 million mark, I would think you'd pause and think, "Hmmm…maybe I'm doing something wrong here" and change Business Managers or strategies or something. But in most of those stories, the former thirty-millionaire waited until he got down to chicken feed before he tried to stanch the bleeding.

I'm going to guess that the man it says on the coffee bag is "America's Mayor" never had any thoughts about being in the coffee business before someone who was in that biz approached him. It was probably someone who shared Rudy's politics who thought, "There are a lot of people out there like me and they'll buy this coffee to show their support for him." After all, Trump hasn't done badly selling sneakers and over-priced, badly-printed Bibles…and it's not like there's any reason to think Trump knows anything about sneakers or God.

And Rudy, of course, is in no position to turn down anything that'll put money in his pocket. He'd probably dress up in drag like he always has enjoyed doing, and make a kinky film with Stormy Daniels if someone offered cash in advance. And it would probably sell way better than coffee with his face on it.