Trump Trial Thoughts

As I've suggested here, I'm skeptical of "analysis" of the current trial from folks who have never (a) set foot in that courtroom a lot and/or (b) passed the bar. So be skeptical of this post since I qualify in neither category.

So right now, we're kind of in the middle of the cross-examination of Michael Cohen and the Defense has probably convinced at least some members of the jury — or will soon convince them — that Michael Cohen is a man for whom "The Truth" is whatever statement Michael Cohen thinks will benefit Michael Cohen at the moment. Someone in that jury box might well be thinking, "Okay, that guy lied a lot and often because that was a job requirement of working for Trump, and maybe now he's learned his lesson and is coming clean." But I don't think anyone — juror or not — thinks Mr. Cohen is a pillar of honesty.

That may or may not matter. Most of what he has to say of substance has already been substantiated by others whose credibility is not so fragile. Then again, there was that jury in the first O.J. Simpson trial.

Much of what makes me think Trump will be found guilty is in the writings and interviews of George Conway, who is usually identified as a "conservative lawyer" to remind you that he is not reflexively on Trump's side and used to be a big Trump supporter married to the biggest Trump supporter. He's been putting out a newsletter that could be subtitled "Why Trump Is Heading For The Slammer" and you can read the latest installment of it here and sign up to have future ones sent to your e-mailbox.

And in the interest of hearing another view, here's a link to a column by attorney Stacy Schneider who once thought Trump would be found guilty but has now changed her mind. We link, you decide.