Today's Political Comments

John Oliver made his offer to Clarence Thomas — quit the Supreme Court and get a luxury motorhome plus a million bucks a year for life — on the telecast of Last Week Tonight on February 18. The offer was good for 30 days so time's up and I would imagine when Mr. Oliver does his next show this Sunday, he will have something to say about that.

I'm not bothered by Trump getting off the hook for that $454 million bond he can't post. The fine in this case was probably going to be reduced on appeal anyway and now that he has ten days to post a $175 million bond instead…well, that's not exactly pocket change. If and/or when he loses his appeal, he'll probably have to come up with some amount between those two numbers…and as Kevin T. Dugan notes, Donald still has money problems aplenty.

Jonathan Chait has an interesting article about the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. The program is succeeding in almost every regard and all the predictions of doom and destruction it would cause have turned out to be — surprise, surprise! — dead wrong. Chait says that the G.O.P. still wants to nuke it, if only because it was a "win" for Democrats but they don't want to run on that. They want to talk as little as possible about what they might do about it. You know what that means.