Today's First Video Link

There will be an Unsold Pilot here later today but I wanted to share this with you first. It's Steve Lawrence appearing with Johnny Carson on 5/25/1976 5/25/1979. First off, you'll see what a good talk show guest Mr. Lawrence was. Secondly, you'll get to see/hear him and his wife Eydie Gormé perform "Hallelujah," a record they were pushing at the time. A week earlier she was on, allegedly as a solo guest, and when she went out to perform the number, Steve miraculously appeared to make it a duet. This time, she not-so-miraculously appears.

I always thought this was a real nice, bouncy tune which might have been a big hit if they'd recorded it ten years earlier. If you want to skip the panel and go straight to the song, it starts around 14:20.

You'll also get a look at Stage 1 in Burbank which had one of the steepest "rakes" of any theater I've ever seen anywhere. Reportedly, it was built this way because either Milton Berle or Bob Hope (accounts vary) wanted to be able to do a monologue and see as many faces as possible. You'll also see a Tonight Show stagehand who made the unfortunate error of being in the wrong place at the wrong time…