Sunday Morning

Remember how little interest I had in the Super Bowl?  I have about the same for the Academy Awards tonight.  I don't care who wins.  I don't care what they say.  I certainly don't care how anyone is dressed.  Hell, I don't even care who is "snubbed" by not being included in the "In Memoriam" montage.  (I had an idea though about how they could liven up that segment about people who died in the previous year.  They should select five or six people who are actually there at the ceremony tonight and put clips of them in that package.  Just to see how everyone reacts.)

Seriously, I don't think I saw any of the nominated films this year and my tolerance for watching wealthy, successful people praising and honoring each other is hovering around the zero mark.  If you enjoy this kind of thing, have a good time.  In a way, I envy you.