More About Mark's Bad Break #1

How nice to awake to many well-wishers and sympathizers and I really don't write these posts for that. If/when you ever commit to writing a near-daily blog for a couple decades, you'll find yourself writing about almost everything that happens to you. If I spill ketchup on my pants at dinner, almost my first thought is "Can I get a blog post out of this?"

Someone felt I was a little too harsh towards folks who offer unsolicited medical advice and perhaps I was. I've just gotten a lot of terrible, terrible "Here's what you should be doing…" counsel from people who think watching a few online videos put them on an equal (or even higher) footing as men and women who study and practice medicine for years. Yes, I have gotten some good advice at times — but only from close friends and in particular from one who asked me not to mention their name here.

Another someone asked about my pain killers. I'm not going to give the names of the ones that worked for me because they might not (probably won't) work for anyone else. But I will mention that I only took them for a day or three after the surgery. I like to get off that stuff a.s.a.p. and I did this time. The last day I took pain-killers, this happened: One of my doctors recommended I try a drug I'd never taken before, though he cautioned that it gave some people hallucinations.

I took it — once — and when a nurse came in to check on how I was doing, we had the following exchange…

NURSE: Are you experiencing any hallucinations?

ME: Well, that depends.

NURSE: Depends on what?

ME: Depends on whether or not you're wearing a gorilla costume.

Turned out she wasn't but, you know, she might have been. I could have been in a Bob Hope movie and not known it.