A New Oliver Twist

I raved here Sunday evening about that night's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. A number of you who apparently don't subscribe to HBO or MAX or whatever-the-hell channel it is have written me about this episode, the rudest of whom wrote, "If Oliver's show this week is so good, why the f*ck haven't you posted it so we could all see it?" (The asterisk was his, not mine.)

My answer: Because I couldn't. And Steve Bacher, a loyal reader of this site, snooped about and found an online article that explained why…

HBO is delaying the upload of clips of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" to YouTube in hopes of encouraging viewers to sign up for subscriptions to its streaming platform.

In a post Monday, Oliver explained that the streaming giant would hold off until Thursdays before posting the clip. "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" airs Sundays.

"I know I usually share a link to our main story here on Mondays, but HBO has decided they're going to wait until Thursday to post them to YouTube from now on," Oliver wrote. "I hope they change their mind, but until then, you can see our piece about the Supreme Court on HBO, on MAX, and on YouTube in a few days."

So I'll post the segment when I can and those who are too impatient can go f*ck themselves or buy a subscription. I know one guy who will probably opt for the former.