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Okay, okay…I probably have seen scenes from other football games. Harold Lloyd's The Freshman.. The movie of M*A*S*H. One Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon.

Then there was the Three Stooges short, Three Little Pigskins with Lucille Ball. Moe used to tell this story about a scene and I cribbed the following off of Wikipedia

[Director Raymond] McCarey assured the Stooges that it was safe, saying "Listen, fellows, you know how to take falls. You've done enough of them. It'll take hours to find doubles for you. Besides, we can't afford them. Don't worry, you won't get hurt." Moe Howard dryly agreed with McCarey, saying, "You're darn right we won't get hurt. We're not doing the scene."

Less than an hour after the exchange, the studio found three stunt doubles made up to look like the Stooges. McCarey yelled "Action" and chaos ensued. Two of the doubles were seriously injured with broken limbs, as were both photographers. The only stuntman not hurt was the one doubling for Curly Howard because of the padding that he wore to resemble the rotund Stooge. Moe Howard later said in his autobiography that "McCarey was speechless and sat in his director's chair with his head in his hands."

There are probably a few other movies I've seen with football scenes…so let's just say I have zero interest in the game except when it's fictional and funny.

Here's the Stooges short we're talking about. The football scenes were filmed at Gilmore Stadium which was torn down in 1951 to build CBS Television City which is now being torn down to build a huge multi-use studio/mall complex…