Today's Video Link

In 1980, ABC attempted an undisguised knock-off of Saturday Night Live called Fridays featuring a rep cast that included Mark Blankfield, Maryedith Burrell, Melanie Chartoff, Larry David, Rich Hall, Darrow Igus, Brandis Kemp, Bruce Mahler, Michael Richards and John Roarke.

The show does not seem to be well-remembered…or even remembered at all by some. I always found enough clever material in each episode that I taped (on Beta, I think) and watched each episode…and sometimes on a Friday afternoon would watch a run-through of that evening's telecast live in person. You can do that when you're working on the same lot.

I did though sometimes have a little trouble telling who was who in some sketches. My pal Steve Stoliar, who is wise in all things Marxian, sent me this link to a pretty good Marx Brothers skit. I recall spying on a rehearsal of this but even then, I wasn't sure who was playing who. The Groucho and Harpo are especially good. Can anyone identify the players?