Recommended Viewing

Some time ago here, I told you about a documentary called Stu's Show all about my buddy Stu Shostak who hosts the podcast Stu's Show. It's about two things, one being how Stu went from being an avid fan of classic television to being a curator, broadcaster and friend to folks who worked in classic television. I'm talking about people like Lucille Ball and Dick Van Dyke. It doesn't get more classic than those two.

That's one part of the documentary. The other is how Stu met this lovely lady who was the perfect match for him because she loved classic teevee and they got involved and things were copacetic until one day, completely out of the blue, she had a brain aneurysm. The story of what Stu did to keep her alive will warm whatever size heart you have. It's really quite an extraordinary tale filled with stars of vintage TV shows — and (fair warning) me.

You may not have viewed this when I first talked about it because it cost money to do that. Well, now it's free on a great many Roku stations and online. Right here would be a good place to view it. You'll be glad you did.