Las Vegas used to be my second home but even before COVID, my interest in being there was diminishing due to it becoming way more expensive, way more "tourist-trappy" and way more crowded. I'm especially glad to not be there this weekend when the big Formula 1 event is taking place. Much of the town — the areas where I'd be if I was there — has been completely remodeled with grandstands and new roads and structures designed to prevent you from getting even a glimpse of the race through the streets unless you've purchased a very expensive ticket.
On Vegas chat boards, I see a few people saying this is or will be the greatest thing to happen to Vegas ever…but the majority seem to hate, hate, hate the whole thing and there are oodles of complaints about what it's doing to the town. My favorite Vegas reporter, Norma Geli, went to the Thursday night festivities and somehow managed to have a full video report up on YouTube this morning at about 8:30 AM — a feat of speed more impressive than anything that's liable to take place on the track this weekend.
She thought the first night was a disaster. But being a Vegas disaster, it still had massive crowds and plenty of food and drink. Here is her report…