From the E-Mailbag…

Josh Woolf sent me these two very simple questions…

Would you please list all 13 Marx Brothers movies going from your favorite to your least favorite?  And what is your favorite scene in any of their films?

And here are my simple answers as of this moment. It could change within the hour…

Please note that any film on this list could easily swap positions with the one over it or the one under it.  I'm not strident about my Marx Brothers rankings.

And of the many scenes in them I love, if you force me at gunpoint (or even squirt gunpoint) to name a favorite, I would have to go with the Maurice Chevalier scene in Monkey Business.  It's one of those scenes that's funny just to consider the premise of it: "In order to get off this ship, we will all have to pretend to be the same person even though everyone knows that none of us could possibly be that person and to prove we are that person, each of us will have to sing one of his songs."  And they kind of get away with it. They do get off the ship.