Images I Found on My Computer #3

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This is for folks around my age who grew up in Los Angeles. It's a group shot of Los Angeles kid show hosts from when I was ten, give or take a few years. If you click to make the photo bigger, you'll see I've added their names. Some additional info…

Walker Edmiston (B) was probably my favorite, though he rarely appeared on camera. Usually, you saw one or more of his puppets, especially R. Crag Ravenswood, who is to the right to Engineer Bill. You (or I) never saw the face of Vance Colvig (E) because it was hidden behind Bozo makeup that his father had once worn when he was the first Bozo the Clown. Jimmy Weldon (F) passed away recently. Jimmy, seen here with his little buddy, Webster Webfoot, was the last surviving member of this fraternity…and the job of Los Angeles kid show host.

This was taken on the set of an afternoon movie show which Tom Hatten (G) hosted on KTLA years after he stopped hosting his own kid's show running Popeye cartoons on that station. The major omission for me in this gathering is Charles Runyon, who played Chucko the Birthday Clown on KABC for many years. By the time this group was assembled, he'd moved to Oregon. If you feel like using the Search function on this blog, you can read more about most of these men. When I was a kid, they were TV stars just as much as anyone on the networks.