I'd like to write something here not about Current Events since I know a lot of you come to this site to get away from those nasty things…but it's kind of a Tons o' News Day. It's hard to yank my brain away from the Middle East situation, Ukraine and Trumpian legal developments and write about old sitcoms. What little effort I can muster in that area has to be poured into writing stuff that producers and editors are waiting for. But this weekend, I'm determined to finish the next installment of the Gold Key comics series and a few other things I've left dangling here.
So Jim Jordan, who doesn't believe in accepting the results of elections that don't turn out the way he wanted, has accepted the outcome of his and is no longer the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House. Can't wait to see who they come up with next. I hear Mike Lindell needs money.
This past week, I spent some wonderful hours with my past (and it looks like future) employer Marty Krofft discussing upcoming projects. One in which I'm only peripherally involved is the forthcoming Sid and Marty Krofft Channel which will soon be streaming vintage episodes of H.R. Pufnstuf, Lidsville, Land of the Lost, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, The Bugaloos, The Krofft SuperShow, The Krofft Superstar Hour, The Far-Out Space Nuts and other Krofft Klassics.

Photo by Bruce Guthrie
The channel, which debuts early in 2024, will even air a few short things I did for Sid and Marty in the seventies that have never aired before. I'll let you know when it's time to see if you can get it via whatever system you get to get your television.
Every time I plug something I (theoretically) make money on, I want to post something that doesn't earn me a nickel. There's a new book out featuring loads of work from the files of my longtime pal Scott Shaw! How "longtime" is "longtime?" Well, in this case, we met at Jack Kirby's house in 1971 when Scott was just an aspiring cartoonist instead of the full-fledged, prolific one he became a few years later.
If you've ever been a fan of Scott's work, you will very much want a copy of Scott Shaw!s Comix & Stories. If you're not a fan of his work yet, buy a copy and become one. It's stuff he did from the days even before he and I met and it goes up through current work — posters, doodles, sketches, stories…even a few stories he and I collaborated on. If you're going to be at a con soon where Scott's appearing, buy one there and he'll draw something wonderful in your copy. But since you may not be, order one right now at this link. You'll be happy you did, miserable if you don't.