Images I Found on My Computer #1

I have a bunch of these…pictures someone sent me or I stole them off the Internet…images I thought I might want to use on this blog and then I never did. I'm going to post a few of them here now and then.

I don't remember if it was at this past year's Comic-Con International in San Diego or the one before but I saw a cosplayer roaming the premises with this clever outfit. If you remember the end credits of the original Star Trek, you remember the credit line for Herbert F. Solow superimposed over an alien face. This is a more-than-reasonable facsimile of that title card. I spotted it, said "I have to get a shot of it and put it on my blog" and then I got distracted…I think by someone approaching me to get a Groo signed or something.

By the time I was undistracted, the cosplayer had gone elsewhere. I never spotted him — I assume it's a "him" — again. I didn't get my photo but I spotted this one on some site and grabbed it. It matters to me not just because it's well done but because Herb Solow was the guy who gave my partner Dennis Palumbo and me our first TV writing job. A lovely man. I think he would have been flattered…