Sorry I've been away from the blog a bit. It's been a couple of really crowded days but I'll make it up to you.
Recently here, I announced with a heavy heart that I was abandoning my beloved TiVos and my not-beloved cable company. I still believe TiVo makes the best Digital Video Recorders — or at least, the best I've seen. The trouble is that every cable company now has their own DVR and they make it very, very difficult to use their service with any DVR but theirs. Adhering to the old maxim that I wish wasn't true as often as it is — "If you can't beat 'em, surrender" — I've surrendered. So that's why I've stopped using TiVo.
And my reason for getting rid of my cable service is that their service has been really terrible. I have revenge fantasies in which the heads of the company are trapped for all eternity in the company's phone system, trying to get an actual human being on the line.
Well, it looks like my timing was spot-on. Stu Shostak sent me a link to this article about how this very cable company is taking a big step away from offering cable service. It will no longer be available to new subscribers. Can we all see where this is heading?