Peeking at the News

During my recent hiatus, I didn't look at the news much…especially the political news. But when I did catch a glimpse, just about every Trump-related item seemed to be headlined, "Trump Loses in Court Again" or "Trump motion denied." I thought it was winning his supporters were supposed to get sick of.

I suppose we'll have to wait until all this is over and everyone involved writes a book about how it wasn't their fault but I am curious about this: Trump's lawyers are filing a lot of frivolous, can't-possibly-succeed motions. Are they filing these because they really believe they have a chance of succeeding? Or is it because Trump, who seems to be treating this more as a political matter than a legal one, is ordering them to do as he says?

I understand that to a large extent, he's laying the foundation to claim that any court case he loses had to be rigged, just as he's long taken the stance that he couldn't possibly lose an election unless it was rigged. But is he already convinced that he's not going to win in court? Any of the cases?