Happy Sergio Day!

This is a photo of Sergio Aragonés and me, and since I don't have a mustache, he must be the guy on the right. Sergio is known the world over for his greatest accomplishment which is, of course, drawing the headers on this blog. Oh, once in a while his cartooning turns up elsewhere…like drawing for MAD magazine for sixty years or creating Groo the Wanderer and drawing it for forty years and I hear he's done other things and even won a number of the various awards for cartooning…that number being All of Them.

Today is his birthday and he is  AGE REDACTED .  I have redacted the number because I don't think anyone has told him how old he is.  He sure doesn't look it or act like it.  Because he's opted out of convention-going lately, a lot of folks keep asking me if he's okay.  He's okay.  In fact, he's probably in better health than anyone who's asked me if Sergio is okay.  He and I talk almost every day and every time we speak, he says, "I'm sitting here inking," which is like anyone else telling you they're breathing.

He's my Best Friend in the Male Division and you couldn't have a better Best Friend than Sergio.  We've never had an argument except that every time he tells people we've never had an argument, I raise my voice and yell, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'VE NEVER HAD AN ARGUMENT!!!???" The fact that he always thinks that's funny is one of the reasons we've never had an argument. Another is that he never does anything to make me not love him…or at least, he hasn't since I met him in 1969. I sure hope he doesn't start being a bastard now because where would I ever find another Best Friend like that? Especially one who's  AGE REDACTED .