Mushroom Soup Monday

I'm working today on a script for a cartoon show…and I don't know why the producers want it right now. They can't do much of anything with it until they have voice actors to record it and they're on strike. I'm also working on a couple of real long posts for this blog.

Realizing that the sooner I hand in the cartoon show script, the sooner I get paid, I've decided to devote most of my time today to that. I love writing for you folks but I just had to shell out beaucoup bucks for a new sprinkler system for my front yard. One of the long posts is what will probably be the last installment — at least for a while — of "How to 'Do' Comic-Con." The other is the next installment of "Borders Crossing" and yes, I know I have other pieces I've promised. I'll get to them, I'll get to them. First comes paying for the damned sprinklers.

If I had time to write about "What new trouble is Donald Trump in today?" it would be about the new revelations in the looming Georgia indictments — indictments plural because it looks like Rudy and Sidney and the entire Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight will probably be named with him. One expects they will soon commence rolling over on one another.

I hope at least at some point, at least one of them is frog-marched. Since 2005 when someone said they were going to do that to Karl Rove, I've been waiting to see someone in public life be frog-marched just so I could find out that that is. (Don't believe me? See here.)

I'll be back to you soon. But do let me know if you hear of anyone being frog-marched even if it's just a frog.

P.S. ADDED A LITTLE LATER: Just got a note from my lovely friend Jewel Shepard reminding me I should clarify: Most animation voice jobs are not impacted by the strike because they're done under a different SAG-AFTRA contract. The project I'm writing is affected by the strike and I've gotten the producers to agree it will not be voiced non-union…so no actors will be engaged until the strike is settled. I should mention that it's also not covered by the Writers Guild, of which I am a loyal member.