I've never been fond of the term "guilty pleasure," at least the way most people use it which is like saying, "I know this movie is awful but I love watching it." It seems to me that if something brings you enjoyment, you owe it a little more respect than that.
That said, my "guilty pleasure" these days is starting each morning by walking towards my computer for the first time that day, asking myself "What new trouble is Donald Trump in today?" and then logging into a news site to find out. There's always something, at least Monday through Friday, and lately we even have them on the weekends. This morning, I wasn't necessarily expecting anything but I found…
Prosecutors investigating potential shadiness relating to Trump's team making efforts to fiddle with the 2020 election results in Georgia have gained access to text messages and emails proving that to be the case.
According to a CNN exclusive that broke early Sunday, "Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County — a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote." They've also "gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump's team to access sensitive voting software," per sources familiar with the matter.
All by itself, this might not be much but with an indictment looming in Georgia, it makes that indictment more serious. Who knows what the morrow will bring?
Meantime, I have a number of e-mails asking me to predict whether Trump will show up for the first debate of Republican candidates on August 23rd. I don't know why anyone thinks the hunches of a guy who works on Groo the Wanderer comics are any better than anyone else's. Why not ask your gardener? Or the kid at the counter at Arby's? But okay. I'll play…
Predicting what Trump will do is always challenging because he so often doesn't do what you'd think any rational person would do. Any rational person would think that he doesn't have to savage those other aspirants to win the G.O.P. nomination; not when he's a jillion points ahead of all of them put together. But this time I'll venture a guess that he'll do the logical thing and he won't be there. He'll say something like, "I would love to be there and to especially take on that [INSULT REFERRING TO CHRIS CHRISTIE'S WEIGHT] Chris Christie but I have this [INSULT REFERRING TO INSANITY, RACE AND/OR GENDER] judge who's trying to silence me on one of these phony indictments that [INSULT REFERRING TO JOE BIDEN'S MENTAL CAPACITY] Joe Biden has personally ordered so my lawyers insist I refrain!"
And then he'll say that if he were free to speak, he could tell us about all the overwhelming evidence he and his lawyers have amassed that proves he's 100% innocent, all those conversations were perfect and he beat Joe Biden in a landslide.
That's what I think he'll do…but since I also think he has no idea yet what the hell he's going to do before he does it, I wouldn't bet a nickel on this prediction or anyone else's. But I will wager that tomorrow, there'll be another great answer to the question, "What new trouble is Donald Trump in today?" I'm hoping it'll be one of the ones involving Rudy Giuliani. Those are my favorites.