Today's Video Link

"Legal Eagle" Time! Devin Stone delves into the laws listed as allegedly broken in Trump's third indictment. One thing that interests me here is that Trump's side seems to have abandoned the claim that Trump actually won the 2020 election. Their defense now is more like "Trump honestly believed he'd won the 2020 election," which is not at all the same thing.

I have an acquaintance who has been telling me for some time that Trump won and that Trump has been sitting on all that solid evidence — the kind that Mike Lindell has spent zillions trying to locate. I repeatedly asked this acquaintance the following obvious-to-me question: If Trump has such evidence — and if as he also claims, Joe Biden is destroying the United States with his sham presidency — why oh why is Trump keeping this evidence a secret? Why did he lose court case after court case for an utter lack of evidence? Why is he letting the Biden presidency continue?

The answer from this acquaintance has always been along the lines of "Trump is a master strategist. He has his reasons." I think that rationale is now way past its expiration date, don't you?