I'd forgotten, as I do every year, that the 4.5 days of Comic-Con come with several days of prep and several more of recovery…and time expands and compresses. Right this minute, I feel like Saturday of this past Comic-Con was months ago…but seven days ago as of this moment, I was scurrying to meet an editor for Breakfast at 8:30 to discuss a project I may or may not write.
That was followed by being on the Dungeons & Dragons panel at 10 AM, hosting Quick Draw! at 11:45 which led to the Cartoon Voices 1 panel at 1 PM, followed by being on Maggie Thompson's panel at 3:00, hosting the History of Cartoon Voices panel at 4:30, doing an interview at 6:30 and meeting friends for dinner at 8. Today, I just exhausted myself typing that last sentence.
Before I forget: Yes, I heard that several folks, including a few I was around at the con, came down with COVID. I tested. I'm fine. I wish them only the easiest of full recoveries.
And yes, I know that I can print out the convention souvenir book PDF myself but that does not result in a book that in any way resembles the book that would have resulted if they'd printed it out like the others on my shelf. That would just give me a lot of 8½ by 11 sheets that were not bound in book format. I'm not faulting the convention for saving money on this. I just would like the option of ordering a printed/bound version of the souvenir book.
Getting back to the hectic pace of the con: It's one of the things I like about it. I wouldn't/couldn't live that way all year but it's fun as an occasional change of scenery and schedule. It's fun to be around so many people having such a good time and some of those people are friends I don't get to see except at conventions. I especially enjoy living for a few days in an environment where it's utterly impossible to be bored; where everywhere you turn, there's someone interesting to talk to or something interesting to look at.

If you went and you didn't have the time of your life, I'd like to give you the following advice: You need to learn how to "do" Comic-Con.
In the summer of 1969 when I was 17 years old, I went to Disneyland for the first time. I'm not sure I can explain why a kid born and raised in Southern California hadn't made it there before then but I hadn't. That year, my pal Dwight Decker and I went for a day and we made just about every possible mistake starting with the erroneous assumption that you could experience Disneyland in one day. We took a bus there and back. I think we were on that bus (and some connecting buses we had to take to get to and from that bus) for more hours than all the collective time we spent on Disneyland rides.
We didn't know where to eat. We didn't know where to go. There were things we knew were somewhere in Disneyland that sounded like fun but we didn't know where they were and we certainly hadn't plotted out any sort of route that would take us from one to the other. I remember experiencing Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, "It's a Small World," The Carousel of Progress, the monorail and not much else before we had to catch the bus home. We both slept most of the ride back.
Years later, I learned how to "do" Disneyland and had some much better times there.
In the Summer of 1970, one year after Dwight and I didn't "do" Disneyland the right way, my friend Steve Sherman and I didn't "do" New York the right way. We had some great experiences visiting the offices of DC Comics, Marvel and MAD magazine. We spent a day with Steve Ditko. We attended our first comic book convention. So much of it was wonderful and exciting…
…but we didn't know where to stay or where to eat or how to get around. We let the cab driver from the airport into Manhattan swindle us out of some cash. There were great shows playing on Broadway — shows I wish I'd seen — but we somehow didn't allow for that in our schedule. (The original production of Company was in its third month. Was I smart enough to go see it? No, I was not smart enough to go see it. I was also not smart enough to go see the original production of 1776 or several others then playing. James Coco in Last of the Red Hot Lovers or Maureen Stapleton in Plaza Suite might have been nice.)
Again: Years later, I learned how to "do" New York and had some much better times there.
And I had to learn to "do" Comic-Con. This is Part One of a two-part article. In a day or two, I'll tell you what I learned and how I learned it and why, though it might not apply at all to you, what I learned might help you figure out how you should "do" Comic-Con.