Joshua Quagmire, R.I.P.

His sister is reporting the passing of cartoonist Joshua Quagmire (real name: Richard Lester) at the age of 71. "Joshua" was the creator of the underground comic Cutey Bunny and a frequent presence at comic conventions since — I'm guessing here — the early eighties. He published six issues of Cutey Bunny around that time and seemed to always have copies for sale after that along with posters and prints and artwork of his character.

And that's almost all I know about him other than that he was firmly devoted to being a cartoonist his way, doing his work his way, only occasionally allowing his lady rabbit to appear in someone else's publication. I once recommended him for a cartooning job but it wouldn't have been him drawing his characters and it would have meant having someone as editor/boss over him so he politely passed. Oh — and I know I found his work quite entertaining, as did many others.

I assume someone knew him well but to most of us, he was a man of mystery. I couldn't even find a photo of him to run with this obit. I have no idea how well his cartooning supported him and what else he might have been doing if/when it didn't. He seemed proud of his work and proud of his independence. Sorry to hear we won't be seeing him at Comic-Con this year…or anywhere anyplace. Condolences to his friends and family and bunnies.