Today's Headline Story

Since the news came out that You-Know-Who has been indicted (again!), I've been trying to think of something to say about it that others aren't saying. It does seem to me that an awful lot of people who haven't seen the actual charges are commenting on their validity. Come on, people! At least wait until you read them before you announce that they amount to nothing or everything.

Obviously, since I think Trump is a terrible human being who was a terrible president and a terribly divisive force in this country, I'm pleased he may be held accountable for at least one more deed of his terribleness. He certainly acts and looks like a guy who knows the jig is up and that his Teflon® coating has worn off, leaving him exposed to all sorts of Justice. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy…and compared to Trump, everyone else on this planet is a nicer guy.