This may seem trivial and unnecessary to some of you but that's kind of how much of my life — and therefore, this blog — is. I was just lying in bed, wide awake and thinking over the list o' things I have to do today and the proper order in which to do them. I decided I had to post this before I did anything else…
Yesterday around 4:30 in the afternoon, I was standing on a street some miles from my home waiting for an Uber. A tall gentleman walked past me, stopped and then came back and said, "Are you Mark?" I said I was and he told me his name was Bob, that he was a fan of this blog and he was looking forward to seeing my panels at WonderCon. I thanked him, we shook hands and he was on his way.
I had something kinda serious on my mind at the moment so I wasn't as friendly as I like to be with people and I'm feeling uncomfy about that. Bob, if you really do read this blog and you're at WonderCon and you see me there, please say hello. You were nice enough to stop and say what you said. I'd like to be as nice in response.