I mentioned in a previous item here that a portable battery charger for your cellphone is a good investment. Here's a recommendation. Amazon is currently selling a two-pack of the Miady 0000mAh Dual USB Portable Charger for under twenty bucks. You get two of these for that price and I bought a bunch of them for myself and for friends. I keep one around the house for when the power goes out (which it likes to do around here) and another in my car or travel case.
They're lightweight and they've served me well. You can read the specs, see if they'll work with your phone and even order the two-pack via this Amazon link. They also have a version that holds 50% more power and a two-pack of them costs 50% more.
If you buy a set, I have something else to recommend to you. The Miady chargers come with a USB cable which you use to connect the charger to a power source for charging purposes. But once it's charged, you need a different cable to connect it to the phone or device that needs charging. I suggest using one of these SDBAUX Multi USB Retractable Charger Cables. They look like this…
One end plugs into a USB port. The other end has three different connectors. Again, check the Amazon page and make sure but it's likely that whatever you're going to want to charge — an iPhone or an Android or something else — can be connected with one of those connectors. I've used one of these and a Miady to charge my phone, my iPad, some friends' phones, my wireless headset, my camera and a couple other gizmos.
You can even throw away the cable that comes with the Miady and use this to charge it. It's easier than having separate charging cables for each device. And the cable extends to over three feet in length when you need it to.
A two-pack of SDBAUXs is presently nine bucks. You might also like to add one of these to your little travel kit…
That's a USB wall charger for when you have to plug into an outlet because there's no powered USB port available. There are about eight thousand offerings of these on Amazon and you should be able to find a two-pack of them for under seven bucks. I gave several friends who seemed to need portable charging a little combo of a Miady, a SDBAUX and a wall charger. The combo ran me about $23 a set.
Remember before you buy to check that the SDBAUX is compatible with what you'll need it to be compatible with. Also remember that this setup is for charging, not for data transfers. Also remember that I don't make these things so if they don't work for you, complain to Amazon, not me. And lastly, in the interest of Full Disclosure, I remind you that if you buy through my Amazon links, I get a teensy share of what you spend there. So while you're at it, order something else that's real expensive. I hear the new 2024 Mercedes-Benz E-class sedans are nice.