Hey, remember the Bee Gees? They were around for an awful long time and they sold an awful lot of records. I had a number of their tunes on my mixtape but I don't recall ever knowing very much about them. Other kids at my high school seemed to know (and care) a lot about this Gibb brother or that Gibb brother but if I told you a lot about them here, it would just be stuff I cribbed from their Wikipedia page.
And by the way, around the first of every year, I send a donation to Wikipedia which, for all its false info, is still one of the most valuable tools you can find on the Internet. I just sent them my annual contribution. Won't you join me?
Getting back to the Bee Gees: This is "Words," as they performed it on The Ed Sullivan Show on March 17, 1968. It was high on the charts at the time and I liked it enough to record it off the radio, put it on my mixtape and later actually purchase it and other Bee Gees tunes on some sort of "Greatest Hits" record…