Fuel for Thought

We all have different issues that matter to us — gay rights, immigration, guns, abortion, national security, cole slaw, whatever. I have a friend who really only fixates on one: The price of gasoline. And when it comes to who to support as President of the United States, that's all that matters to this friend. If gas prices are low, the President is doing a great job. That President could accidentally call a nuclear strike on some big U.S. city and this friend would still support him just so long as the accident didn't raise gas prices.

Conversely, if those prices are high, that alone is sufficient grounds to impeach the Prez and drag him from the Oval Office. My friend doesn't even have to — nor can he — explain how any action by any President causes the cost of filling your tank to go up or down. If it happened on that Chief Exec's watch, he gets the credit or blame.

So how are we doing on gas prices these days? Kevin Drum has the stats…and yes, I know you drive by a service station that charges way more but we're talking here about averages.

In case you don't wanna click, Kevin says we're doing pretty good: "Since 2010, the average inflation-adjusted price for a gallon of regular is $3.61. Right now, gasoline is selling for 50 cents less than that."