Saturday Morning

I have a number of e-mails from folks with theories as to why Johnny Carson didn't have Jonathan Winters on his show more often. A couple of folks speculate that Johnny was uncomfy with having Mr. Winters on the premises because Johnny's "Aunt Blabby" character was so blatantly derived from Jonathan's "Maude Frickert." That might be a good reason to never have Jonathan Winters on the show but it doesn't explain having him on only occasionally. I've decided that there is no explanation that we're likely to discern these days.

I also have a lot of e-mails asking me about recent political matters. Sorry but I'm not paying enough attention right now to the news. I have voted because that's something I can do influence the direction of things, however infinitesimally…but there are times when I think it's good for my health and work to not spend much of my time and stomach lining on following the news. This is one of those times.

So I just peeked into the Open Registration for Comic-Con International that's taking place right now. The wait time to get into the registration area where you actually get to purchase badges is, the screen says, "more than an hour." Preview Night, Friday and Saturday are sold out so I would guess that "more than an hour" means you ain't getting badges today. I feel bad for those who want to go and can't…but the con can only hold so many bodies and there are way more than that number that want to be there. It's one of those sad facts of life.

I'm going to spend today writing stuff and some of it will be for this site, whether I post it today or not. Remember to set whatever clocks and timers you have that don't automatically adjust themselves back an hour tonight.