It's hard today to think about much beyond those poor folks in Florida, which is being battered and/or submerged by Hurricane Ian. It's going to be sunny and 90° in Southern California today and I really hope I don't hear anyone complaining about the weather. Since this blog can do nothing to help Tampa and the surrounding communities — except suggest donations to Operation USA — we shall try to be a place to get your mind off that. But don't pretend it isn't happening.
If you're interested in attending Comic-Con International in San Diego next July (the 20th through the 23rd to be exact), keep an eye on their website and pages like this one. They're making some changes in the procedure via which folks can obtain badges and it certainly won't hurt for you to understand the process and to keep aware of key dates.
Because I get this question a few times a week in e-mail: I have absolutely no plans to attend any conventions anywhere the rest of this year, nor does my partner Sergio Aragonés. The Pandemic has instilled in me a great love of not being far away from home for very long. I expect that attitude to fade but it'll take time. Also, the invites I've received lately from conventions all expect me to go to a lot of trouble and expense to get there…and then they'll give me a table where I'll sell so much merchandise and so many autographs that it'll be well worth my investment. Trouble is: I don't sell merchandise or charge for autographs and the current business model for convention appearances presumes I do. Which is fine, especially when I don't want to travel. The next con at which Sergio and/or I may appear might be WonderCon Anaheim, next March 24-26.
The next part of the Blackhawk and me series — probably the next-to-last installment in that series — will be posted here later today. Hope you like it. I honestly didn't expect it to run half this long.