Immigrants As Pawns

There's plenty of disturbing news around, much of it weather-related…so I get angrier than I might otherwise at the pain that's man-made, like Ron DeSantis's stunt shipping immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. It was born of the same infuriating mindset one sees in some of the comment threads on news stories about how those people were treated. DeSantis and those commentators don't seem to think those people were people, just props.

Here's an account that purports to be from one of those who were tricked into going to Massachusetts with the expectation of jobs, salaries and a place to stay. It's ugly to think that the stunt DeSantis masterminded (or at least endorsed) would get someone votes in today's America. I'd like to think this is still the country that embraces what The Statue of Liberty stands for.