Could Donald Trump declassify classified documents just by thinking about it? According to this article and this article, legal experts say no and they point out that he didn't seem to think that when he was president. One should remember that when Trump explains in interviews and speeches how he really won in 2020, he is advancing theories and claiming facts that his own lawyers rarely (if ever) bring up in court.
He's got one set of explanations for his followers and another, very different one for judges…or anywhere he or his lawyers could be charged with perjury. If they ever do assert in court that Trump could declassify via the Vulcan Mind Meld (or whatever he claims), it'll probably just be a stalling tactic, as opposed to something they think is a winning tactic.
Here's a pretty good explainer of how Trump and his attorneys screwed-up by demanding a Special Master and nominating Senior Federal Judge Raymond Dearie to fill that position. Judge Aileen Cannon, who initially ruled in Trump's favor about the classified documents, has been overruled and slapped down pretty hard for her decision…and you wonder if any further Trump-appointed-or-favoring judges are going to think thrice before they bend his way.
This is not a prediction but it's sure looking like the chances of Trump winning the presidency again are getting slimmer and slimmer. But he might just run because of all that donation money he'd be able to pocket. Lately, it sometimes feels like he cares about that as much as he cares about, say, staying out of prison. And I'm sure we all would enjoy a debate among Republican candidates that included Donald and also Mike Pence.
And finally and non-Trumpian, here's some solid info on the new COVID booster shots. I'll be getting one soon. And a flu shot.