My favorite horror movie host was a gent named Larry Vincent who appeared on Los Angeles TV a half-century ago under the name "Sinister Seymour." I watched him every time he was on even though it often meant sitting through horror movies I would never have bothered with had it not been for his interjections. I even wrote some interjections and patter for him and I penned this article about him in 1999. Here's a photo I took on his set at one taping…

For a long time, film of Seymour was nearly-impossible to find but some has turned up. You can see him briefly on a billboard and again on a TV screen in Mr. Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. A few more clips have emerged which you can see if you watch the video below. It's an episode of The Retro Time Machine, a YouTube series/podcast that flashes back to entertainment of the seventies…and once in a while, adjacent decades.
In this episode, your host Jay Jennings talks about Seymour for an hour and 37 minutes with Larry Vincent's daughters. If you were ever a Fringie (that's what Seymour called his devoted followers), you will enjoy this…