Good Morning

Just fixed a really stupid typo in the second part of my Blackhawk history…the kind of typo that inverts the whole meaning of a sentence. Thanks to the many, many folks who saw it when I didn't and wrote in.

As anyone in publishing can tell you, you can proofread something fifty times and once it's too late to fix it, a mistake will appear. Years ago, I wrote that when you receive the first printed, published copy of anything you wrote and open it to a random page, you will suddenly spot a large, nude, obvious error and you will foolishly wonder if there's a way to fix it when there obviously isn't.

The readers of this blog are very sharp and usually when I make a mistake, eleven people write me within fifteen minutes and politely let me know. I am grateful for this. Then again, sometimes I have occasion to look back on a post from 2007 or some other long-ago time and I suddenly notice something that causes me to wonder, "How come no one noticed that?"

If you see one anywhere here, please let me know.