Just before I went to bed last night, a friend e-mailed me with Top Secret, Do-Not-Quote Inside Info on why Donald Trump flew to Washington, D.C. last night. It was scandalous and headline-shattering and amazing and, of course, completely bogus. Yes, he flew there but we have no idea why. Someone just made up a fantasy as to why and sent it out to others, passing it off as coming from a good source. I didn't believe it then and don't believe it now.
In more interesting news, quite a few of you found that special I linked to really was on IMDB under the name, Keep U.S. Beautiful. They say it aired March 27, 1973.
Thanks for all the iPhone suggestions. No, I am not ready to switch to Android.
The Emmy Awards are tonight. I do not think it's a bad thing that the only folks who really care are the nominees and those who stand to profit from their show winning something. I also thought it was a good thing when interest in the Miss America Pageant plunged to zero.
Those of you who are waiting for an official announcement of the next Groo mini-series from Dark Horse do not have long to wait. Those of you who are waiting for the release of Volume 8 of The Complete Pogo from Fantagraphics…well, I don't know when it will be available in stores and online but I do have a finished, printed copy of it here on my desk. They bind and FedEx a couple of copies over from Korea while the rest are being bound and shipped over here via two guys paddling a canoe across the Pacific.
Yesterday, I had a great lunch with Scott Dunbier and his son. Scott's the guy assembling the Comics For Ukraine benefit book that is raising dough for refugees of that ghastly war. The book is going better than anyone expected and Scott came by to pick up a crate of autograph pages I agreed to autograph. Unlike some folks I could mention, I do not love signing my name over and over and over and over (etc.) and I had to keep reminding myself, "It's for a great cause." And of course, it is.
Speaking of benefits…