
Donald Trump has reportedly flown to Dulles International Airport which serves Washington, D.C., and there is apparently no known event he is supposed to attend in the area.

A lot of folks on Twitter (and elsewhere online, I guess) are speculating that he's there for some sort of arraignment or plea bargain or Grand Jury testimony…or something.  Some of them are acting like they have inside information and that it's not good for our 45th president.  I tend to think that if someone is acting like they have inside information, it probably means they don't.

One thing I do believe is that we don't know as much about the investigations (plural because there are many) as we think we do.  It was not so long ago that none of us had heard about Trump having an improper stash of Top Secret documents at Mar-A-Lago.  And then suddenly one day, we did.  This could be another one of those…or a new development in that matter…

…or it could be nothing.  I'm going to go with nothing because…well, it saves one a lot of disappointment.