Thursday Morning

Wow.  It sure hasn't been a good couple of weeks for Donald Trump, has it?  It seems like just a few weeks ago — because it was — that friends of mine were wailing that he wasn't facing any legal consequences for his misdeeds and the law was going to let him get away with everything and get re-elected eleven more times and that his big plan for the U.S. was to burn down all the blue states for the insurance money…

…and while a few won't be satisfied until he's sharing a cell with a couple of serial killers, it ain't looking good for D.J.T. and a lot of folks who used to defend his every deed are busy shivering in fetal positions under their desks. Karl Rove looks like a man who has seen the future of the Republican Party and decided it's going to involve a lot of "Donald Who? Never heard of the guy."

And of course, Sarah Palin lost her Congressional bid and, also of course, her supporters are claiming it was rigged. I have this feeling sometimes that we're never going to see any election in the future end with "I congratulate my opponent and I offer my support. I was beaten fair and square." Democrats, Republicans…it won't matter. Everyone's going to sound like an old acquaintance of mine who couldn't lose a hand of poker without claiming someone cheated.

Lastly for now: I can't believe there are people who can look at the weather news lately and still deny that this world needs to do something about Climate Change. What's it going to take? Raining frogs?