Saturday Morning

I said in the previous item here that the Linus the Lionhearted cartoon show was yanked off the air in the sixties, "never to be seen again." I am informed by several correspondents that a DVD set of that series is in the works. Let me know if you hear of an actual release date and I'll pass it on here.

A number of folks are sending me links to order their favorite beans and/or recipes to make their favorite beans. I appreciate that you'd like me to have beans but despite obstacles, I can still order my favorite beans and have. It's just more difficult and expensive than it used to be. And what I wanted was not so much any good can of beans but a specific comfort food I've been eating all my life.

And if we're going to be absolutely honest here about beans, my real all-time favorite beans were the ones they served at the Love's Barbecue chain back when there was a Love's Barbecue chain. All that remains of that chain is this website where you can order their barbecue sauce, which is wonderful if you like a real sweet sauce.

Once upon a time, the site said they'd soon be making the beans available and it still says they will be expanding their product line but they've been saying that since the previous century and I've given up hope. We'll see a complete boxed set of the Linus the Lionhearted cartoon show before we ever see a single new Love's bean.