Wednesday Evening

When I travel, I often forget that X days outta town is not just X days outta my life. You have to factor in the days getting ready to go and the days recovering and unpacking. It's one of the reasons I turn down most conventions. A three-day con can take up six days of my life. You probably understand this or maybe you've learned how to make travel not so disruptive…but I'm writing here to remind myself that I can't.

I'm still winding down after Comic-Con, still catching up on sleep. Oh — and I home-tested again and I'm still negative insofar as COVID is concerned. A few of you wrote in to suggest that my fatigue could be a sign of it…and while I appreciate the concern for my well-being, I'm pretty sure it's just sleep-deprivation and that I'm catching up. As my sleep normalizes, so shall this blog.