ASK me: Frank Ferrante's Groucho

From Kay Lemley comes this message…

Everyone in my house really enjoyed watching Frank Ferrante's Groucho on PBS, so much so that we ordered the DVD because it has more stuff on it. I've been seeing you rave about this fellow for years on your blog and now I see why. He really is amazing. I think you mentioned that you don't usually care for impersonator shows but this one was an exception for you. I feel the same way.

I saw the thank-you to you in the end credits but I was wondering why you weren't anywhere in the film or the extras. You're his number one fan. Couldn't he squeeze you in somewhere?

Ah, but I am in there. In fact, i'm in the very last shot of the show. It's this photo of Frank with his hero, Hal Holbrook, the great portrayer of Mark Twain along with his many other accomplishments…

This photo was taken by my friend, the lovely actress (and photographer) Jewel Shepard when she, Frank and I went to see Mr. Holbrook perform.  You see that person standing behind Hal?  That's yours truly.  I don't know why you didn't recognize me.  (And if anyone doubts it's me, the video in this post is proof. Jewel shot that too.)